Wednesday, August 11, 2010


fences are designed to keep things out right?  or to keep things in.  perhaps, they are for decoration... you know, the people who only want to have a house with the little white picket fence out front.  it's really not meant for anything other than to look pretty is it?  i always wonder when i'm driving seemingly out in the middle of nowhere and all of a sudden, there's a fence.  what?  there are no cattle around, no other animals.  you don't see any kind of reason for a fence but there it is... right smack in the middle of the field.  just like here...

it's certainly not an ugly fence by any means.  i rather like it...the design is out of the ordinary, not just straight across and you can tell it was made with care.  but why is it here?  what is its purpose?  especially if there are no animals around, is it to keep something out?  makes you wonder...
it's difficult to tell how far the fence goes on or if it's only standing for a short stretch. i don't know if it really matters though. because it got me to thinking about the fences that we all might have in our own lives.

do you put up fences?  to guard yourself or for protection?  for security?  out of fear?  are they there to keep things or people out?  to keep yourself in?  what would it take to knock them down?  i think as humans we have a tendency towards self-preservation, so it's second nature almost to want to put up those fences if we feel we might be in danger or trouble of some sort.  but at the same time, aren't we preventing ourselves from excelling; reaching the potential of what could be?  something to think about.  of course, the other side to the picture is that fences are positive and good for us; protecting us from harm.  when we sense things are going awry, the fence slams up...wham-o...we feel safe, secure and the world is right again. 

whew...all this and more went screaming through my head when i saw this fence...out in the the middle of nowhere...on a clear, sunny afternoon.

happy day.....

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