Tuesday, February 21, 2012

close goose encounters

so elegant in their flight patterns...  graceful with wings outstretched...  i don't ever tire of watching them - observing their fanciful ways in the sky - at times, swooping down so close overhead i feel i might be able to just reach up - and touch those big bellies...

then once they've come in for the landing... in this case onto the water - the most beautiful preening takes place...

the preening is done to get the oils redistributed through their feathers... make them lubricated again so they can fly to the best of their ability - not just to show off... i'd never really realized that 'til someone told me.  i always thought it was to shake the water off - to fluff - a way to make themselves look beautiful and/or because they were truly listening to me when i asked them to preen for me - boo... right!  they are most remarkable - some of the prettiest birds on the planet albeit a bit quirky at times...

happy day.....

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