Wednesday, May 18, 2011

birds of a feather...

today was a day for birding...  not on purpose, mind you.  i really was on the hunt for ladybugs - and i did see one of those, too, but i had a special treat with a couple of birds.

first off i had a plump red robin fall practically at my feet in the grass.  one minute i'm standing at the edge of the patio staring into a somewhat gray, overcast day.... the next, plop - a robin... with a wide-eyed look has fluttered to my feet.

i think we were both startled to pieces... kind of jumping and squealing just a bit.  and then that quickly, off he flew...

within the next several minutes i saw a flash of yellow in an overhead tree.  now typically, the usual birds that are seen in the backyard are robins, a house finch or two and a black bird.  nothing exciting... but this yellow streak - i was internally doing the dance of joy knowing it was a real treasure and i needed to be quiet.  enjoy the moment, snap a couple shots... realize this treat would probably never come around again.  so i did...

it was a wonderful moment... and made for a

happy day.....

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