if you have to travel early, it's a bonus to have a splendid view... be able to capture it, then share with others.
i didn't really think it would turn out - an airplane is not the best place to take a picture after all... or should i say to take a picture out of - small windows - dirty windows... the aircraft is shaking... balance is hard to maintain... i figured it would be blurry at best.
but, boy-oh-boy... getting up at o'dark stupid paid off with a glorious surprise and blessing from god in a sunrise i haven't seen the likes of in some time.
i have made no changes to this photo except for cropping. otherwise, it is as it came from my little digital camera and how the sky appeared this morning.
then looking down on the city, i wondered how the twinkling city lights might turn out.
this picture does reflect processing to an extent to create a more abstract image... since it was still dark and the lights were but a blur far below the plane.
always fun to play - always fun to see our creator play on his playground of the earth, too!
happy day.....
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